Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


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Our Confession of Faith, Chapter 28, Section 5, makes it very clear that our subordinate standards do not teach Baptismal Regeneration: "Although it be a great sin to condemn or neglect this ordinance, yet grace and salvation are not so inseparably annexed unto it, as that no person can be regenerated or saved without it, or that all that are baptized are undoubtedly regenerated."
31 Days to Know God's Plan for Us.

This Bible reading plan is a general overview of God's encounter with humanity, our responses to Him and how He gives us Hope, Salvation and an Eternal Future.
The Bible teaches us that conflict comes from the desires that battle within our hearts and that this is the result of our sinful nature. Sin is at the root as our securities are threatened, our happiness is at stake, our focus is misplaced, and our God is ignored. Sometimes, our good desires are escalated to sinful retaliation; truth becomes concealed and twisted, listening does not happen, we are not understood, and we do not understand the other person. Thus...
Insights from "Teach Me to Pray" by Dr. William E. Sangster.
Session 24: Solomon
Too often they have failed to show the beauty of love, the beauty of Christ,the Holiness of God, and the world has turned away.

Is there no way to make the world look again -this time at true Christianity. Most Christians continue to stand with arms folded presenting to men and women, a tarnished image of God- a shattered body of Christ
Cultivating Biblical Solutions with Conflict

Conflict is a Reality, Even in a Church! This is the introductory article in the series.

Matthew 5:9; Luke 6:27-36; Galatians 5:19-26; Philippians 2:3-6; Colossians 1:17-20; 3:12-17
Managing the Pastor's to maximize results. Pastors need a system to keep us on track to manage the church effectively. To do this effectively we need to have a schedule! Why? Just to see all that is on your plate in ministry as well as personal life and how to juggle it, control it, and do the best for His glory!
Una guia de ayuda para la lectura diaria de la Biblia. Esta diseñado para permitirle la lectura a su propio paso, y para que comienze a leer en cualquier momento del año (no solamente limitado a Enero 1ro).
A primary giving of love is self-disclosure. "Only when we are willing to put our true selves on the line, to be taken for better or for worse, to be accepted or rejected, does true interpersonal encounter begin. Martin Luther's first law of successful prayer was, 'Don't lie to God!' We must tell him the truth of our thoughts, desires and feelings, whatever they may be."

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