Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105

Bible Studies

Here are Some Definitions on the various ways we can read and know God's Word, the Bible. Some of these methods of Bible Study are very Biblical, beneficial and good and while others are harmful and lead to false teaching.
We have the incredible privilege to here and know God personally through His Word! The Bible is our principle platform for our encounters with the Almighty Who has something precious to say to us, and we must hear it excitedly! We are to get into God's Word because it is the framework of the Living God. His principles, calls, and plans for us to know, grow, prosper in our lives and churches are in its pages. We must do our best to immerse ourselves to meet Him, to know Him, to internalize His precepts and live them out for His glory and our mutual benefit. Therefore, we must listen, learn, and do ...
The Word of God is essential to our function as a Christian. It is essential to our understanding of not only God, but ourselves as well. Without God's Word we will be purposeless and disrupted from our call and the purpose for our salvation. When we base our lives on the Word of God, then Christ can create His work in us by the power of the Spirit!
The Bible is the most important and essential book in history because it is God's Word and His revelation of Himself, His precepts and His purpose for our lives. As a Christian you cannot and must not function without it! Here is a Bible reading plan to help you discover the Bible's full message in a good systematic way. With this plan you can read the entire Bible, all 66 books, the entire Old Testament once and the New Testament twice in one year! An average reader can do this in less than a half an hour each day, most in 20 minutes. This is a similar plan as the ever so popular "One Year Bible" by Tyndale, which we also highly recommend. We recommend the NIV or the NLT (reads faster) for this plan.
Do you read from the Bible or read into the Bible? Do you know the difference?

What does Biblical interpretation mean to you? What should it mean and how should you delve into and teach the most Holy Precepts of our LORD? By your will or His?

We have a major problem in our churches; people, even pastors go to the Bible and just collect from it what they feel and want, forcing it so that they miss receiving what they need and what God has for all of us. Thus, people are not experiencing the true wonders and Truth and riches of God's principles...
The Eight Step of Inductive Bible Study is, "WRITE IT DOWN!"

A book chart will help you greatly! This is the step where you keep track of what you learn. By writing it down in an organized fashion, God's Word will become more clear and crisp. We are able to record what God says to us, this way we will be able to take more ownership and then greater transformation. Then can look back and see God at work in our lives and this will be a great encouragement in times of struggle, and in times of joy. Plus, now you have notes to refer back to and even teach from!
The Forth Step of Inductive Bible Study is Asking, "What Does This Passage Mean?"

Inductive Bible Study helps us study with a plan: consecutive reading, book study, topical study, and verse-by-verse. When observing we first ask what it says, then and only then can we examine what it means. This is the crucial step we have to undertake before we apply it to our lives. There are no easy ways out, or shortcuts to understanding any great works of literature, especially God's Word!
The Second Step of Inductive Bible Study is Learning "The Fundamentals of Getting More out of God's Word!"

If you just took a Bible book, any one, such as Romans and read it every day for a month, you will know it beyond measure! And this can be done in less time than it takes to watch a half hour TV show! You will have far more knowledge of His Word and be more active and involved in our Lord than perhaps 90% of Christians who usually just "pew sit" and do nothing with their faith. So who will get your time and reverence?
This is the "Overview:" The Best Method of Getting into God's Word!

Inductive Bible Study is a method for learning how to exegete the Bible for all its worth by our best efforts. We do this through learning the tools and skills to help us observe the text, dig out the meaning, and then apply it to our lives.
Often called the Lectio Divina, simply means as we read His Word we can pray too. It is about integrating our prayer and Scripture life for greater spiritual stimulation that leads to greater understanding of our Lord and then greater application of His precepts. As we read God's Word we can and should be praying to our Lord, too. This combines...

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