Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


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Up until the Fall, humanity drew their support and substance directly from God, in perfect relation, and when they fell it was all gone.
The Work of the Holy Spirit!
I want to say to you, those of you who are Christians or even if you are not a Christian and you are troubled about the direction that our society is going in, that we must not concentrate merely on the bits and pieces. But we must understand that all of these dilemmas come on the basis of moving from the Judeo-Christian world view -- that the final reality is an infinite creator God -- over into this other reality...
Do you Have the Nose for the News?

Gossip Mongers! The Bible gives us clear direction on how we are to keep our mouths in His direction, that is God's direction not ourselves.
Gossip devastates all the good work previously done in a church!

The Bible is directing us to restrain our speech. A wise person controls their tongue; what they say and how they say it. The Bible goes on to say that people who spread gossip have malicious intentions as much as the people who start the gossip in the first place. This malice leads to the destruction of property and persons, just as bad as a fire would destroy a home or a church.
Remember this important fact; the Prime Directive for Spiritual Gifts is for service to God's family! As you grow in the understanding and use of your Spiritual Gifts, you will realize that you are in a relationship of dependence upon Christ.
A Primer Designed For Use In Leadership Training.

This Primer will direct you through the basics of how to prepare your church for growth, and to be your best for His glory. You may use this personally, to train your leaders, or use with your people to reveal Biblical precepts and ideas on how to run your church effectively.
When we take careful view of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, we see three areas of responsibility that we are called to do. John 15 expresses these three priorities all together beautifully, and I list several other passages that support these essential priorities, just turn to a concordance and see for yourself. Out of these priorities, we can take God's Word and contextualize it to the streets and to the direct needs of the people, so they can come to the knowledge of our Lord.
A vision is the comprehensive statement that tells the leaders of the organization what direction they should move, and what they should accomplish so they can motivate the people under them. The church should be and strive toward a preferred future, not just to a dream!
Sex is very tempting, and you need a great deal of strength to resist that temptation. You certainly can't do that alone. You'll need God, a strong desire to abstain from sex, and friends who will support your decision. The people who've told you it's OK to sleep around are not that kind of friends, and they're not people you should be listening to.

There's a great life ahead of you if you go in the right direction. And you need to make sure the people around you want to go that direction, too.

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ITW Radio Opportunity We as a ministry have a wonderful opportunity before us and we need your partnership!
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