Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


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McBibles- you can't miss this place; it's the one with the golden lettering on the front. Most people flip it open and shove down a quick verse or two, burp out an application, and hit the road. Oh, the ingredients are there for an incredible meal, but it's a lot easier to live by the Evangelical motto: A verse a day keeps the devil away.
There is no greater issue that confronts the church today than the centrality and supremacy of Christ. A dim view of Christ's centrality and supremacy tends to hold the Christian in a state of spiritual and doctrinal infancy.
The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is not merely an "article of faith" which men are called to "believe." It is not simply a dogma which the Church requires its good members to "accept on faith." Neither is the doctrine of the Holy Trinity the invention of scholars and academicians, the result of intellectual speculation and philosophical thinking.
Faith is the foundation of Christian life. It is the fundamental virtue of Abraham, the forefather of Israel and the Christian Church. "Abraham believed the Lord, and he counted it to him as righteousness." (Genesis 15:6)

The Nicene Creed should be called the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed.
The Bible is the book of sacred writings for God's People, the Church. It was produced in the Church, by and for the Church, under divine inspiration as an essential part of the total reality of God's covenant relationship with His People.
I will be frank to say that I get a little disturbed today when I see what is happening in the world. It is a dark picture as I look out at it, and I wonder how it is going to work out.
Ways to Better Understand the Bible.
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Ladies, do you need a great book for a small group, Bible study or for your personal edification, well here they are!

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