Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


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"Into Thy Word Ministries" Statement of Financial Responsibility
Through His Word and the Holy Spirit, we strive to bring the gift of a life that is fully surrendered to God. We approach all of our work and life under God's control and leadership.
We believe that the Bible is in its entirety, divine revelation, and the only infallible, inerrant and authoritative word of God. We are to submit to the authority of Holy Scripture, acknowledging it to be carrying the full weight of God's authority (2 Tim 3:16).
Allow me to introduce you to "Into Thy Word Ministries."

Into Thy Word Ministries vision is to provide Christians with the most effective tools and the most effectual means possible to better understand and apply God's Word to their lives.
About the man behind the words
It is our VISION and call, and commitment to "true spirituality" to point the church back onto the path of making disciples. It is our passion and directive to lead Christians away from our false perceptions and into His way.
'Into Thy Word Ministries' purpose is promoting discipleship, showing the 'Way' to be surrendered and poured out before the Lord.
We specialize in developing in-depth, inductive based Bible resources that are carefully researched.

One of the primary purposes and call of Into Thy Word Ministries is to research, develop and provide Pastoral Training Curriculum! We have been training pastors and missionaries overseas since 1988 and we would like to provide you what you need too.
Into Thy Word Ministries is a small Missions organization with a call upon our hearts to bring discipleship materials to pastors and everyone who needs them here and overseas for free. And we need your help!

Do you consult with God before taking decisions? Some of the most common answers might be "all the time", or "sometimes", and in some cases, we find those that have never though about it!

What would be your answer?

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New: Year End Repot




We have a wondrous new tool to help you in your Bible reading efforts!
A Bible reading checklist in "Excel" that keeps track of your progress with all kinds of cool graphs and tracking features along with stats on words, verses, encouraging facts, etc. This is also a fund-raising opportunity for us that we think could be a successful addition to your church or ministry spiritual arsenal.
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We need your Partnership!
We are a ministry making a difference for the Kingdom of God, and...
A great way to raise funds for our ministry and you can make money too!
It is a community of committed believers serving the Lord in a center for research and practicum.
New Funding Project! RealEstateProject.pdf
ITW Radio Opportunity We as a ministry have a wonderful opportunity before us and we need your partnership!
Growing in Christ is the key to growing a faith, a family and a Fellowship!
Schaeffer Institute
Mission America Coalition
Bible Reading Plans
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