It is a simple how to guide to help you dig into God's Word, the Bible.
Into Thy Word is geared toward challenging you to learn how to better study the Bible! We seek to teach people to use logic induction, reasoning and good inductive and deductive principles by examining the particulars, facts and essence of a text first before making any conclusions. Thus, to lead a mature, meaningful, fruitful, character driven life for Christ's glory!
Session 2: How to study the Bible
This curriculum is designed to teach you how to study the Bible with the tools a good pastor would learn to use in a top level seminary. Why should I bother with this? Because, we can gain so much more from His Word, precepts, and call if we just desire to take the time to learn more of His Word.
The bottom line of why we are to study the Bible is so we may know God, His Way, and grow in our knowledge and faith in Him so we can then be better used by Him. We are called to spiritual growth-that is, the formation of the investment of faith Christ gives us that we give back to Him in dividends. This is a deep conviction of our faith, a practiced submission that shows our obedience, and a life of personal and relational maturity. We can't do this when we bring what we want into Scripture and not take out what God wants us to have! We have to listen to God; if not, we will not learn and then we will not grow and then we will not have a life of transformation.
Here are Some Definitions on the various ways we can read and know God's Word, the Bible. Some of these methods of Bible Study are very Biblical, beneficial and good and while others are harmful and lead to false teaching.
There are many ways we can study the Bible effectively. There is no "best" way, only that we do it! Many Christians feel all they have to do for Bible lessons is sit in a pew, turn on the television or radio, or naturally receive their knowledge for being a Christian; but this is not how to transform our lives. We must read and get into the Word of God ourselves: Through prayer, hard work, discipline, concentration, application, and even more prayer!
We must study the Bible because it is the foundation for life. God even commands us to study His Word as the priority before we do anything else...
The Word of God is essential to our function as a Christian. It is essential to our understanding of not only God, but ourselves as well. Without God's Word we will be purposeless and disrupted from our call and the purpose for our salvation. When we base our lives on the Word of God, then Christ can create His work in us by the power of the Spirit!
The study of the Bible matters!
Do you realize that if you are a Christian, and have read the entire Bible, you are in the minority? Does this scare you? Well, it should! If you study the Bible yourself, you are in an even greater minority that even most pastors do not fall into! Yet, all of them would have an opinion of the Bible, teach, and make decisions based on their understanding of the Bible.
This book is about helping you understand the Bible and enabling you to teach others how to study the Bible in a simple, clear, and concise way. We have included in our Book a 15-week curriculum specifically designed for High School Youth.