Beware of deceptions and misleading choices!
We need to focus on the source; especially those of us who are not experienced in letting God lead us and are easily turned off the path from what seems to be common sense and good opportunities. But these in fact are sometimes tricks of Satan to mislead us and confuse us. Sometimes we misinterpret our own will as being what God's will is. What we think might be the leading of the Holy Spirit may not be from Him at all but just our own selfish inclinations. Our focus needs to be on what God has revealed to us through...
What comes into our minds when we think about God?
The sovereignty of God basically means that God is God, and He is in complete control, He is the Creator, King, and Sustainer of the universe. God can do as He pleases, as He wishes, without constraint; He has no limits or confines. Nothing else in concept or reality can move or exercise power or influence over Him. Nothing can have direction or permission outside of His knowledge and control. God's purpose is all-comprehensive and can never be thwarted.
Seek first the kingdom of God, a general overview of who is the will of God.
When our relationship with Christ is what it should be-THEN we will be in HIS WILL!!! Then we will be able to make good decisions. Then we will understand the road bumps of life, how to learn and grow from them. To be a better servant by being a better child of His.
The question that the Blood demands is this: Do we fully understand that we have been rescued from sin and darkness and from hopeless despair? Has that hit home? Are you filled with gratitude because of what Christ has done? To venture further in the faith beyond our saving faith, we have to take heed and be encouraged that God is our rescuer! Therefore, we are to respond in gratitude for His provision and gifts!
We must have the firm desire to surrender ourselves to the will of the Father! However this surrendering we do is not giving up our distinction and personality. It does not make us eunuchs and robots who serve a master out of obligation and employment or out of a predetermined program. It is the refusal to surrender our will that leads us astray and away from His perfect will.
Hidden? Mysterious? Undeterminable? Ask the average Christian in the pew and they will concede that they passionately desire to know what God is up to in their lives. They want to know God's plan, His will for their Life. So they can better lead their lives. Yet at the same time they will admit their frustrations in seeking it, that their fears creep in saying they cannot live it. Or that it may be just too hard to find. And if you ask them again what they think that will may be, they will utter several self-doubting answers.
The God who ordains the ends (from creation to salvation) and numbers our hairs, also ordains the means to the ends...
Repentance is the result of the acknowledgment of what Christ has done, and not the cause of Christ giving you grace.
A paradox is an apparent contradiction that under careful study reveals a deeper truth.